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Time and location

Friday 3/09/2021

8:00-9:00 Final preparation of student groups individual group rooms

9:00-11:00 Pitching general auditorium


This is the final day of the summer school where you present your ideas to people from industry and academia. We organized you a "white glove" experience and invited jurors from the space and biomedical industry to check your solutions for their innovation and also give you feedback on your skills in pitching. Additionally, we have an academic expert board from the participating university reviewing your outputs.

All groups need to be present, since you will also be a juror.


During the pitch you need to convince the jurors representing possible investors that select your solution. Mind that jurors have business interest as well as interest on your technical solution and how it is working.

The session will start with the pitches in the following order:

Group nr. Pitch Assignment nr.
6 red Device for measuring surface electromyography of the hand and stimulation muscle tension 2
1 orange Exoskeleton for hurt elbow to allow the injured passenger to participate in the necessary routines 4
2 purple Information and measuring system for monitoring biometric indicators of a crew member of a spacecraft 1
3 green A device to guide a passenger with disabled vision through the space ship 5
4 grey Heart rate supervision and alarm system 6

Each pitch is structured the following way. The same as in real life you have very strict time limits:

  • 7 minutes for presenting your solution and all the ideas behind your concept.
  • 10 minutes time to answer questions of the jurors, who will challenge your concept to check its quality
  • 3 minutes for filling the student menti meter with your rating of the presentation (the link to this easy tool will be provided during the sesision in the chat)

After all pitches academic board members will give their overall ranking right before the jury meeting.

Finally, the rating and selection of the best pitch will follow the following procedure

Upload of results

Please upload the results according to the specification of assignments before the pitching (deadline 3.9.2021 9:00 for all groups). They will be checked by the academic board.

Inclusion of multiple viewpoints

To receive a fair rating the following groups will rate each presentation:

your student colleagues

Please use the mentimeter to give your answers for each group.

academic board

Please provide a ranked list according to the rating criteria using mentimeter.

the expert jury

Will conduct the jury meeting and include the results of the other groups in the final decision.

Details will be explained below.

Rating criteria

All groups have to rate according to the following criteria:

  1. How innovative is the idea/solution?
  2. How convincing is the idea?
    1. Are the needs of the patients adressed?
    2. Are the needs of the primary customer adressed?
  3. Is the concept technically sound? Extra points can be given for good solutions, but the technical details should not be overranked.
  4. How did the students perform in the pitching?

Rating via menti meter

During the session please go to www.menti.com and type in the voting code.We will also provide a voting link in the chat.

Students will receive the code during voting phase at the end of each pitch. They will give their voting after the individual pitches. After closing the voting phase no voting is possible for this pitch.

The academic board will receive a link at the beginning of the pitching session via email. The academic board will give their voting after the pitches right before the jury meeting starts. This voting is open until the start of the jury meeting.

Also the jury members will receive a link at the beginning of the jury meeting to document their final results.

Please mind that you cannot vote multiple times. Once you submitted the vote, you cannot correct it!

Selection of best solution

For us it is important that you get real feedback beyond the academic world.

Hence only the members of external expert jury will select the best solution to the assignment and give a short feedback why they selected this solution.

To do this the independent experts will receive

  • the results of the online student rating of the pitches
  • the ranking of the academic board

additonally to the pitching and then find a final descision.

To guarantee independence, neither the academic board nor teachers of the students nor mentors are allowed to join the jury room during the dicussions of the jury.

Supporting persons required

Moderation: Albert Treytl (DUK)